Taupo Areas ~ Benneydale area

The truck ride to the lime quarry was really cool. It was great to be out in nature again, from a high vantage point where I could see more & this post & the next will have unedited pics to show the true perspective of what I see. 

A slip that covered half of the road with a mature tree & soil 

Thankfully truck drivers have a special RT channel that they can tell each other about these sorts of things, when in range of each other. There were also sheep on the road at one point.

We went out to the Benneydale area to get the truck loaded with the lime, & then to the Link Road area to a farm to drop the lime off, so I took some pics of some new things, that I haven’t covered in the blog. Yay new things & most importantly…places 😃

A trucks eye view on the road to the lime quarry, doing 20km an hour, so as not to disturb the lime dust too much

Lime quarry where the stone is mined &  crushed

The bins where the trucks get loaded from. They hold more than a truck & one trailer load, not that you’d guess 😉


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