Getting up close & personal

 Today’s the day! Such a surprise to me when my son told me he was willing & had time to apply the wonderful sign to my truck, made for me by Cairns Printing in Australia.

 Jasmine nailed the brief I had given her & went above & beyond what I had asked for. In person, if I can call it that, the sign is fantastic! I’m thrilled to bits with it 🤩 The colours are great, the size is perfect & the layers make it look 3D. It represents the fact that I’m a steampunk.

Anyway, enough with the chat, let’s get to the pics! I know you’ve all been waiting patiently for this moment. Now that you’ve perfected that skill, as have I, without further ado, the procedure, as recorded by my grandson. My daughter in law helped with the installation as well. These guys are such a blessing to my life! 

Beginning cleaning the area. Had to be pristine. That part took about an hour.

This is an exciting day for me 🥰

The area was cleaned several times with a wet sponge & Jif (cream cleanser) Then rinsed with water, wiped dry & polished until there was no residue or lint left on the surface 

We measured to get the right alignment for the sign

The area was marked out for the placement lines

We held the sign against the area to see how it would look

It’s a big process!

Thankful we had a beautiful day to do it 

The backing comes off

We can still reposition it, If we need to, as Sir sprayed soap water on the Luton area, so we’d be able to

My daughter in law was recruited into the team, as Someone isn’t tall enough 😂 

Even standing on the saw horse 🙄 

Repositioning & getting the bigger creases & bubbles out

Next comes fine tuning, getting all the other bubbles out

Getting the soap out from under the edges. Apparently it will evaporate. Not sure how, but I’ll take his word for it

Scraping the air bubbles to the top using a credit card

Doing the top edge

Doing an exceptional job 😇 I do love his high standards. Wonder where he got that from 😂 

Actually his Dad has them too 😉

And there she is! How blessed am I 🥰 

My view for the rest of the day

Terrible isn’t it 😂


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