On The Road Again 🎶 Rotorua

 It’s so good to be on the road again 🎶 

There was a trip to the Millenium Hotel in Rotorua for a magical weekend experience.

This experience was supposed to have happened back in 2020 but then we all know what happened that year huh.

It was going to be a test pour moi to see if selling of a certain ungainly mobile home needed to be undertaken.

Cest Magnifique!

Recently there was a visit to see a medical person & one was told that idea of selling said beast could be forsaken, but for the want of some small objects known in the modern world as meds/pills. We are allowed More! Many more! One is simply dazzling 🤩 with this information! ✨  A veritable champagne flute of hope 💃 & sunshine ☀️ rays of light & whatever other words come to mind, after a late night 😂 

An old hotel in Tirau

Thus far the experiment seems to be a positive thing! We have a way to go with the increase yet, but signs are looking good. There has been some despondency over looking at four walls & listening to neighbours & issues & living a limited lifestyle. I think one may have developed the itchy feet virus 😂 

Anyway enough background! The scene is set for an underwater adventure of a magnificent standard. Only for Mermen & Mermaids naturally. The rest of us had to look magnificent standing, sitting & lounging. 300+ turned out, & 300+ turned in, some well after midnight I was told. There was chatting, dancing, floating in swimming pools, posing, fabulous food & beverages of course.

A treat in Tirau, Afghans are my Faves 🥰

Next day there was a storm & what it a beauty it was. Steamin Along was grateful for being hunkered down, sheltered by trees, although trees are sometimes not that friendly to vehicles in a storm, as you know.

View of the hotel from the freedom camping parking space

 The next day started with second breakfast, as a hobbit is prone to do, then a craft market, costume display & competition, high tea , a Labyrinth themed ball & lots of conversation, with oohs & ahhs heard from many areas of rooms, hallways, foyer & other spaces, including selfies in a lift 😂  The clock chimed 12 & the early bird sale began… I’m told 😂 This particular hobbit never made it to midnight 😉


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