The thorny bits
There are times in life when there will be thorns. Today I had itchy feet, & couldn’t see myself settling in any one area. An issue that happens from moving around all the time. What have I done, I said out loud. I’ve locked myself into a 7 month rental contract & was panicking slightly. It was a moment…& thankfully after reconnecting with an old & dear friend in the area, & catching up with number one son again, it passed. Nothing like visiting to put things back in perspective.
Lemonade or ouchade?
Between those two visits, I needed to consume some food, & stopped at Hamilton Lake for lunch. It was a quick stop, but very pleasant, with different varieties of ducks on the water & a plentiful amount of people out enjoying the mild weather, now we have a northern wind.
Hamilton Lake
Some large white headed ducks
A fabulous place up on the hill
A convenient lunch parking spot
Spot the kayaker, who was way too fast for me to capture
Little black ducks & the garden variety kind
A lovely lake, with memories of bringing two little boys to play here, while daddy raced his boats.
Looking forward to moving day now, with the feeling of being in limbo getting old…fast. The systems are in place, with nothing more to do for now & systems in place for variables.
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