Wairoa to Waikopiro Lake

After the huge drive through a long gorge yesterday, I decided to do a short drive today. Both to progress the journey, & to spend time recovering, & a little more sewing. I found out that the gorge attracts rain! Go figure.  It seems to be following me

Singing 🎶  I’m on the top of the world

Doing a great job in the back blocks of NZ

Seen at the entrance to a farm, complete with woven  flax mat! Wow!

So I stopped in Wairoa for the night, after choosing a nice safe parking spot in town. I was welcomed shortly after by two lovely camping ambassadors, who chatted to me about the town, that boasts free town wide wifi, & two dump stations. So I’m off across the river into town in the morning, to upload a few pics for you. I have so many to choose from, it’s hard to choose. 

Parked up at the War Memorial Parking area

An old wooden style ❤️ 

My lounge when I sew 😂 

Not to mention a beautiful river & amazing sea view, with green patches of countryside. No trouble for the travellers here they said. So grateful! 

Love ❤️ 

Some old buildings around the back of the Main Street in Wairoa

A really cool lighthouse

Next stop Tutira Lake

Hobbit homes?

Parked up for lunch

DOC Toilets are pretty cool


Wooden tree sculpture 

Nice DIY project 😂 

What I saw on my way here were lots & lots of original houses, most with no paint & hawks, flying majestically across the fields & roadside in search of snacks. Who doesn’t love a snack that’s a challenge huh!

A well maintained church in a rural settlement, way up high on a hill

Tomorrow I’ll continue to go south, so I can make the target time in Wellywood. It’s going to be epic! Next stop? Hmm 🤔 This is where the realisation comes that I need to plan my journey,  travelling time wise.


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