Napier pt2

 Today I didn’t feel great, & wasn’t sure what was wrong. So I stepped out for a walk on the mound of tiny stones that make up the beach, in this wild tempestuous place. I was lucky enough to be blessed with shellfish for dinner tonight. They were literally thrown up onto the beach, after being dug out by the waves. The sea was downright violent today, & not to be toyed with. 

Beautiful beach with dangerous deep trenches & undercurrents

Interesting rocks including lots of fossils here

Gorgeous sunrise & sunset

I win 🥰

Funny moment watching the seagulls waiting patiently for some shellfish to be thrown up on the beach for them. The competition was on, for me to beat them to it! 😂 They are Fast! They grab the shell & take it up out of the way of the backwash wave, then break into it with their sharp bills & eat what they can. I never realized how hard their bills must be, as the shellfish have very thick shells here & are a good mature size.

I chatted to a local fisherman who told me that the sea was quite angry, & not its usual self. He catches Kawai on a good day, he said

Then I tried to settle down to sew, & managed a bit, before I needed to go outside again. It’s been a strange day, starting at 5am & finishing at 9pm.

The port at night

So I’ll bid you farewell, for its off to Hastings & further tomorrow. Let’s hope they have public WiFi , as I haven’t been able to access any so far, after Rotorua. 


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