Waihi Beach pt2

 First day of lockdown In the truck today, & I got a lot done inside, as it was bucketing down with rain all day, apart from the odd non stormy moment.

I’m thankful for those times, as I get things done inside, like cleaning, cabin maintenance & repairs. Today it was steampunk repairs.

I’ve had quite a few things come apart over the last few months. I’m not sure if it’s the adhesives I’m using, or the jolting of the truck as I go over our rough roads in New Zealand. Perhaps a little of  both. I’m thankful to a friend for a new adhesive that works & does clear. Can’t wait to try that 💚 

Anyway, I decided not to go out, as I didn’t want to lose my parking place in the freedom camping area. Lots of people have been coming in today, looking for somewhere to stay I guess. I can’t imagine people are travelling for fun at the moment, with level 2 of lockdown all around me & did I mention rain?

Tomorrow I’ll need to go out for a while at least, as the loneliness & inactivity got to me, more than I thought it would have. I realised it’s time to get some fresh air, & maybe some more pipis?

I might let them spit  the sand out before I eat them next time 😂 


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