Rays Rest to Paeroa

Incredibly Rays Rest turns into a calm sea & idyllic peaceful quiet with a rural outlook, after a storm. It was a beauty! Howling winds were all I could see, with crashing waves & a rocking home. I don’t mind those days, because they shout out all the external noises of life, & give me space to sit & be creative. I always feel safely encompassed wherever I am, & really enjoy the sights & sounds.

A flat calm day

Today is decidedly cooler, so I’m thankful for my new shoes. They’re brilliant for walking on uneven ground, I have to say. Oboz is the brand, from Kathmandu. After walking up & down an extremely steep driveway for three days, I’m grateful for flat land, or rather my joints are. But the tread is also great for hoarding shells, sand & dirt etc.

Shells all through the carpet

I have a bit of sewing to finish off this morning, no surprises there 😂 before heading over to park up in Paeroa, at a dear ladies place, who has offered it to steampunk who are  travelling for the Highland Games on Saturday.

I’ve been thrilled with how much extra tartan fabric I was given, that matches my corset, & what I’ve been able to do with it.

It’ll cover me for the next festival too, so that’s a job well done. I make just get one more thing out of it, that I’ve been wanting to make for quite a while 😂 

It’s become noticeable that my fabric hoarding is getting out of control again 🤣 when I find steampunk garments stashed in with my regular muggle (ordinary) life clothing. So I guess it’s a downsize coming up, again. Thankfully there’s a steampunk market next weekend in Pirhongia 😅 

This life really does make one quite disciplined. 🙄 But for now, it’s one more gaze at the pea green sea, as I finish my sewing & pack everything away again, to travel.


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