Rays Rest Kaiaua - Day 1

 Smells of sulphur! Weird!

A lovely long piece of sea opposite the Coromandel Peninsula, parking on a shelly beach, for the completely self contained only, thankfully. There are a heck of a lot of people here at the end of the day, all easily absorbed by the space. 

There are no facilities here of any kind, & just people in their spaces, doing their thing. It’s a coastal place with a lot of warm wind at the moment. We just need some tumbleweed & a few old wooden buildings, & it could be the Wild West 🤠 

These washed up in the weed! And that’s lunch 🥰

The tide goes out leaving a mudflat behind for almost as far as the eye can see. I’ve seen men putting  nets out at low tide, but there’s a lot of weed coming in & muddy silt up to your ankles. The water was really warm when I felt it today, but it’s brown & very wild. 

I went over to see the neighbours today, as they had their satellite dish up for tv reception. I would have thought it would be too windy, but a couple of brave souls have theirs out. A DVD will suffice for me tonight. 

Sewing time! Me time 🤩 With an event in Paeroa at the weekend, I’m in a mad rush to pull a costume together, with some existing parts, & some new. It’s a Scottish Highland Games, lasting a full 12 hours, so I’m going to wear tartan.

Royal Stewart tartan

Tomorrow I’m going exploring on foot, to see what I can see here, in between sewing projects.

Smelled of sulphur

Wild spinach, or possibly sorrel


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