
 How easy it is to get complacent when we live in a building. We take for granted the most simple things, like taking a shower, getting dressed & going to work. For a motorhomer those things all require immediate attention, & considerable time,  before moving on to the next thing.

For example, if we take a shower, we have to get rid of all the excess water, before we can do anything else. If we don’t it’s fun city, with a swimming pool to navigate each time we go to the loo, or a wet carpet if we drive off, leaving it there. It doesn’t automatically go down the plug hole, even if the vehicle is perfectly level.

Another fun thing that’s seriously time consuming, is making up the bed/s. The one in the Luton (above the cab) is the most fun 🤩 

First step: strip bed, wash & hopefully get sheets dry, at either someone’s house or the laundromat. 

Next step, put ladder in place & strip out all stuff that’s stored around the bed, so it can be made 😂 

Then climb ladder & balance, while attempting to apply fitted sheet corners from the top rung of ladder. Some bed manoeuvres are required for this. Bearing in mind that one can’t sit or stand up in the Luton area 😉

Next try to smooth out said sheet, so it hopefully stays in place for another week or so. This is tricky when one is atop the bed reaching to the far side. 

Try to locate top sheet from ladder perch, & apply it in a fashionable manner to the bed, leaving room to kick feet out as temperature requires, during the night.

Then locate blanket, spare warmer blanket & place in correct locations for mixed use during crazy weather changes.

Lastly attempt to locate pillow, which will either be on the bench, the floor or the front seats on the cab. Apply pillowcase, & best scenario is a bed that’s fit to sleep in. Then return stored items to their annoying but necessary places, & return ladder to its stored position on bed, thus untucking previously tucked in bedding.

This process takes at least half an hour. If the process is rushed, there may be damage, mainly to the lower limbs, when falling through or from said ladder, which is designed for nimble young bodies to ascend & descend. Also cursing, as upper appendages are banged & lodged in awkward places, while attempting to stretch, roll, descend or balance, during the process.

Have fun as you attempt to attain the Diploma of Bedmaking for Motorhoming. 📜


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