
Funny how we find ourselves back in certain areas at times. This week is COF week & D day, to find out if the truck is in a fit state to be on the road. 

A decorative rickshaw & cool beach sculpture

She’s had a wash, badly needed after the roads out west, & hopefully is good to go.

Orewa Beach, while out walking

Also the follow up appointment for the MRI & catch up with some friends. Great news, I’ll live 🤩

Toilet block with a nice sculpture out front

I’m putting in some real life pics here, to show the perspective of real life. It’s not always beaches & peaceful scenery. Sometimes it’s suburbia, noise, & people rushing around like ants. Why our society demands that is beyond me. 

A nice bbq shelter

I’ll be able to plan my next journey after all this is done, it’s been tying me to the area for months now. I’m looking forward to getting out there, & doing some more exploring. 

Beach path

These two spotted me 😂 


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