Huia Boat Ramp

 After the museum, & the Rangers station came the boat ramp. I decided to hang out there the day, because there was a senior school group doing water team building activities. It was fun watching them.

 They built rafts, raced them to the boat ramp, where they gathered bags, raced back, gathered another bag, & made up a puzzle. 

All that before lunch! Then they went on a canoe hike across the water. Those kids will sleep well tonight 😂 

No pics... privacy etc 😉

Really nice modern flushing toilets in the carpark

One of two boat ramps

Bridge over the stream

A cool shed 

With swordfish swords 🤩

A tiny house with...

His long drop loo

And her long drop loo

Her garage (so tiny)

And his garage

 The Guest house perhaps?

Peach tree

Huge Feijoas trees

Plum tree I suspect, or perhaps apple

Walking down Whatipu Rd, I saw this gnarly tree... just hanging in there 😂 

Funny place for the barbecue table eh

And this really cool stump

Because who doesn’t love a running stream with watercress growing in it 😋


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