
 This week I’m counting my blessings. I live in a beautiful country, that’s still clean & green, to a large extent.

A traveler loaned it to me to use 🥰

I can take the time out to do the rehab required to bring my body into a good state of repair, & I’m thankful for that.

Free 🤩

Not mine, but I’ve been riding one

I’m back in Snells Beach for my grandsons birthday today, after movies & pizza yesterday. We have some of the most beautiful scenery in the world I’m sure, & I soak in it every time I’m here. So clean & fresh & & uncluttered, unlike so many of the places I visit.

Never too old for playing

 I often see pollution in our waterways, rubbish laying around  & a general state of being uncared for. How I wish we had more people cleaning up those areas. It breaks my heart when there is such high unemployment. God bless the local councils who employ people to clean up! I see those people in the Orewa area quite often & try to say hi. I must thank them for what they do.

Once I worked in the commercial cleaning field, & remember my manager saying that in a civil emergency cleaners become the states most important people. Without them we’d die from disease I’m sure.

Yesterday I came back from family dinner to find I’d forgotten to leave the vents open, to circulate the nice fresh breeze we’ve also been having. The cabin was a sauna! And the poor old fan was going flat stick, to try & keep cool. A  tip I learned from a fellow traveller was to turn the truck facing away from the sun, which works great, unless you’re in parking spaces 😂 

I met some travellers who are stuck here in New Zealand unable to get home due to Covid. I asked them how they feel about it & they said they don’t mind at all, as they have work 6 months off the year in the kiwifruit industry, packing, & they get accommodation with that, which is great as it’s in Winter.

Not so much fun sleeping in a van with your SUP boards then I suspect 😂 They love it here & I think they may apply for residency if they can’t go back soon. Nice to be young & for enough to do whatever you want huh! Glad I found out how physically demanding that job is tho 😉 I had considered doing seasonal work previously.

I don’t understand why our government don’t consign our unemployed physically fit people to go to the areas where there is a great need for help in the farming & horticulture industries. It’s a win win as far as I see it. 

Well the dog walkers have all been, the boats are out on the water & the lawn mowing guys are out in force. Must be time for this chick to get on her bike too. 5km later winning 🥰

Have a great day, wherever you are & whatever you’re doing, because today we woke up


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