
Today I had to make the incredibly difficult decision to help pookums cross the bridge in the clouds. She had multiple issues and was very weak & in pain, the vet said. 

Her pancreatitis had flared up again after who knows what she ate while loose from her harness. I was very careful to keep her on a lead, but that crazy dog was at the stage where she’d eat Anything!

A lot of people were very kind, & although that made me cry, I’m happy to know they care. It helps me not feel quite so alone in the world. Not that I really am, I do have family. People have lives & I don’t see them or hear from them as often as I’d like.

But to grieve or not to grieve, that is the question. I believe that other cultures do that better than mine. It’s healthy to get the pain & sorrow on the outside of us. Tears are Nothing to be ashamed of. Snot however, well that may be, if you leave it there 😂  

The loss of one you love, or even have loved, is very real & very big at the time.

Suddenly life changes, routines are affected, habits & feelings. I’m happy to acknowledge all of that. Pookums was with me 14.5 years, was a companion, a comfort & gave me a reason to go out for a walk. She was given to me as a baby of 3 months, in a Taupo pet shop. 

She was a brat sometimes & had a very strong personality, but was sweet & completely loyal to me. I’ve never had that kind of unconditional love before, apart from grandkid’s. 

So I’m happy to go through the process, as life changes & I scatter her ashes where she came to me from.

Thanks for letting me grieve. I’m ok 🙂 


At rest 💕 


  1. Much Aroha to you Sheryl, as you grieve the loss of your dear companion from this world. You both gave each other so much, shared so many experiences, showed each other Love and Loyalty.

    We can only be infinitely grateful for such amazing companionships in our lives, blessed by the understanding that both of your lives were enriched by each other's presence 🙏💗. Warm and gentle hugs dear Lady 💕...

    1. Sorry for the double post Sheryl, not sure how that happened 😒!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you the lovely words Michaela. Remember when she went in the parade in the little red wagon at Thames? And won best vehicle in Punk My Pet another year, in her mad Max style stroller? I miss her terribly. Love to you both & spoons 🥄 many spoons 🥄 🥄 🥄


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