
Lately I’ve been having a few issues with my door handle & lock.

Sometimes it closes, & other times it doesn’t. On one occasion a truck driver stopped in front of me in the other lane, & pointed to my door... which was open & flying in the wind. 

Complete with towel hanging on the rail 🀦‍♀️ How the towel stayed there is beyond me, as I’d been driving 80km an hour by the time I got to that place. πŸ˜…

At other frustrating times it wouldn’t close, & It locks when it feels like it. 

Today I thought I’d better deal with that issue, so I engaged Armstrong Locks πŸ” to sort it for me.

The guy was absolutely lovely! He straightened out the bent bit of the door frame, replaced the lock spring,  & gave me keys to the legge lock above the original one, so now I have a good deadlock as well.

I’ve had a few issues with people trying my door at night too, so I’m thankful. All that peace of mind for $73.50 πŸ˜‡ Bless that man!

Charlie is also a helpful deterrent to people thinking I’m on my own. For solo travellers who might feel a bit vulnerable, a mannequin is a great idea, especially if you have tinted windows. Charlie’s useful for storing unused clothing that’s not being used in season to πŸ˜‚ Socks up the sleeves & leggings, anything to bulk hun/her out, & a spare cushion underneath to make him/her tallerπŸ˜‰ From outside I’ve been told it looks like another person. I think Charlie might need his/her own blog soon 🀣 


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