Foraging & other weedy subjects

Foraging is a passion I’ve long held. Finding out what the ancestors of this really cool couple of Islands I’m blessed to belong to, ate.

Kawa kawa A Maori healing food & dressing, tea etc

Identification page from Julia’s Edible Weeds

Wild celery

Puha Traditional greens From NZ that the Maori ate, cooked

I’ve been doing it off & on for years now...BUT one of the things that concerns me, is identification of said weeds. No point reinventing the wheel, & finding out the hard way, what Not to eat, eh.

So I’ve been out taking pics of potential food sources, in areas that I hope are weed spray free. In New Zealand we still use glyophosphate (Roundup) to kill weeds, which breaks my heart, when steam will do it just as well. I wish the council would understand just how harmful all these chemicals are to the human body & brain.

I want to take good pics for identification, & have them identified by plant people, who know more than I do about this subject. I love the little bit I’ve read on the government websites about food the Maori  ate, but there really isn’t much written down, that I can find anyway.

So I want to help with that! 

Here are some things I’ve found, that seem edible. Some I know, a lot I don’t. Most Maori knowledge, like other cultures, is handed down through  generations verbally.

sea lettuce - Waiwera

Dandelion leaves from one plant

A few fronds from wild fennel

A Kawakawa tree

Land cress

Unsure of this one

Miners Lettuce

One of THE MOST IMPORTANT things I’ve learned, while living on the road in New Zealand is this: please take note!


THE COUNCIL TAKES CARE OF THE PARKS & open spaces. The staff are out before most of us are, while the air is still, spraying poison! This fact became known to me recently as an Experience. 


It breaks my heart that we haven’t yet learned how destructive this is to humans, animals & our ecology in general. 

PLEASE be careful where you forage. I’ve stopped for now, because of that. I stay in public places


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