Eye See

The miracle of eyesight. How we take it for granted, until something either happens to it, or in my case we try to capture something we see, & can’t do the object justice with photography or other mediums. Every day I see so much cool stuff, I can hardly get it back to the blog, before more cool stuff happens. Heck I don’t even know where I was yesterday 😂 well almost 😉

It’s not the first time I’ve noticed this, but I’ve finally gotten around to blogging about it. 

So here’s an example:

Kingfisher on a ponga stump

I could see it perfectly, with the definition of the feathers, the darkening of the tail from mid section to the top & all the other little things about it, even its eye.

 Admittedly I don’t have the latest iPhone or iPad, but my cameras aren’t too bad either. 

But they can’t capture what the eye sees, although claims are made to that effect. And I’m talking about a pair of aging eyes here too!

I just think it’s magic, that we can see all this cool stuff in the world, don’t you? Leave me a comment if you like. I’d love to hear your thoughts 😊


  1. I commented to Tobias last week whilst we were doing a Tiki tour around the Coromandel (Tobias is famed for the awesome tours he plans !), that it's such a pity our brains can't take videos of what we see so that we can play them back anytime, that would be so amazing !


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