
 Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to buy a motorhome, but then she fell over & hurt her knee, & some other stuff.

The girl did as she was told & tried very hard to lie on the couch for 4 weeks, even though she was usually an active busy person. 

It was lockdown level 4 so the girl wasn’t able to see a doctor or Physio for 8 weeks. The girl did her exercises when she did get to see a Physio & occupational therapist & bought a motorhome, because she thought it was only a matter of time before the ‘sprain’ got better.

It didn’t, & she struggled on painfully, driving a manual truck, climbing a ladder a few times each day & using the deep steps.

She tore the tendon in both calves after that, because she wasn’t walking properly & is struggling with the health system & a public compensation system in her country. Said girl being moi, just keeping it real

Thankfully she has a great Physio, who is kind & compassionate & is still treating her, even though she’s not being funded anymore.

If you pray, please do that on Tuesday as she goes to her doctor for a reassessment & new diagnosis


She’s very good at doing her walking in water to strengthen things up again too 

Other challenges include...

About to rain 

Weather! Strong winds & buffeting rain have been an issue during Spring this year. Enough to blow a large truck into the rails on our harbor bridge & bend them.  The storms have been something else!

It’s a challenge to find a sheltered spot near the sea, & hot with the roof vents closed because of rain. Moments after the pic was taken, it began to rain, again 🤦‍♀️ 

There’s a good reason why New Zealand is green you know 😉 It gets washed pretty often, even in Summer

Grey sky, bright colours

I just love the colors of the sea, trees & landscape when the sky goes grey tho 🤩

Other challenging issues include: 
-not having the strength to do some of the tasks that need doing...arthritis related...
- finding areas to do maintenance, beaches & public parks aren’t ideal 😂 
- getting the tools to do jobs without storage for extra stuff

It’s not all peaches & cream. 🍑 Stuff happens & there’s good & bad in everything 😉 Life is about facing whatever head on, & learning how to deal with it. I’m finding the older I get, the less I know & I need a whole lot more skills to do it better. Learning is fun for me. 

Online tutorials are great, & free these days 🤩 


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