
 I had a casualty last night, in the culinary area. Gutted that I broke my favourite casserole dish & lost meals for a couple of nights too. I can’t risk eating the delicious venison sausages a friends have me as a thank you gift, for d some help I gave them along the way. Luckily I had portioned out last nights meal from the rest, before dropping the lid onto the rest of the meals in the dish, & breaking it, all over the gas Hobbs 🤦‍♀️ 

Such a waste 😢 

What a fun cleanup that was 😂 Not! I scooped it all up hoping to save the food, but it will have ceramic shards in it, & I don’t think my digestive system is quite up to that 😂 And the rest of the pipis are going to the other guys here for fish bait I’ve decided. There must have been a reason why the gulls weren’t eating then. I just thought they were too slow 😂 Not worth risking my health over, that’s for sure. Not when driving is essential to what I do, & I’m out in the wild. 

I had gathered them at high tide mark, early yesterday morning, but after consideration of the risk, I decided against eating the whole lunchbox full I had gathered. Sometimes it’s better to err on the side of caution I think. I gave them to the fishing guys for bait.

Time to top up the groceries & sort the windows issues as best I can from a small town. Thank goodness I have some internet!

I stopped in Eketehuna, as I really like the name 😂 & it’s a quirky little place! Very cute. Didn’t take me long to look around, so I took a few pics, before moving on.

Old time Accommodation woohoo

A local house

Love the old tin sheds

Often painted red I notice

And this huge church in mint condition & in use 

With neat bracing

A weird wall

Super old house

Beautiful big ponga fern beside the road

Anzac memorial 

Kiwis everywhere 

They’re big on kiwis here... pardon the pun 😂 

A kiwi ball even

Old stores, still in use

Sir Keith Holyoke opened this building 

A seed plough


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